
This is a rant

If you think cell structure is all about ribosomes, lysosomes, nuclei, etc. and that you've memorized everything about them when you were in high school, think again. Try zonula occludens, macula adherens, dictyosomes' cisternae, glycocalixes, clathrins, and the mucopolysaccharides of cell walls in prokaryotes.

It's nauseating. Grabe. Histology I can handle, but this? Torture! O, yeah, this is a rant. I can't help it see. Ranting is like the most efficient and effortless thing that one can do to fight extreme tiredness and bad schedules like this one:

8-10 am: Bio 22 Lecture Departmental Exam
1-3 pm: Chem 14 Departmental Exam
4-6 pm: Math 100 Departmental Exam

What's worse than two departmental exams on two critical subjects on the same day? Three departmentals on three critical subjects on the same day.

Did I mention the exams are on a saturday?

Where's the spirit of Christmas and the "be merry, have fun" mood on proffesors this season???

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